Deprecated. List all phenotypes in the library.



A tibble with the cohort ID and name. Deprecated. Please use getPhenotypeLog


#> Warning: listPhenotypes is deprecated. use getPhenotypeLog
#> # A tibble: 599 × 88
#>    cohortId cohortName        cohortNameAtlas cohortNameFormatted cohortNameLong
#>       <dbl> <chr>             <chr>           <chr>               <chr>         
#>  1        3 Cough or Sputum   [P] Cough or S… Cough or Sputum     Cough or Sput…
#>  2        4 Diarrhea          [P] Diarrhea    Diarrhea            Diarrhea      
#>  3        5 Dyspnea           [P] Dyspnea     Dyspnea             Dyspnea       
#>  4        6 Fever             [P] Fever       Fever               Fever         
#>  5        7 Headache or Head… [P] Headache o… Headache or Headac… Headache or H…
#>  6        8 Altered smell or… [P] Altered sm… Altered smell or t… Altered smell…
#>  7        9 Sore throat       [P] Sore throat Sore throat         Sore throat   
#>  8       10 Nausea or Vomiti… [P] Nausea or … Nausea or Vomiting  Nausea or Vom…
#>  9       11 Malaise and or f… [P] Malaise an… Malaise and or fat… Malaise and o…
#> 10       12 Rhinitis or comm… [P] Rhinitis o… Rhinitis or common… Rhinitis or c…
#> # ℹ 589 more rows
#> # ℹ 83 more variables: librarian <chr>, status <chr>, addedVersion <chr>,
#> #   logicDescription <chr>, hashTag <chr>, isCirceJson <dbl>,
#> #   contributors <chr>, contributorOrcIds <chr>,
#> #   contributorOrganizations <chr>, peerReviewers <chr>,
#> #   peerReviewerOrcIds <dbl>, recommendedReferentConceptIds <chr>,
#> #   ohdsiForumPost <chr>, createdDate <date>, modifiedDate <date>, …