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`codelistDiagnostics()` runs phenotypeR diagnostics on the cohort_codelist attribute on the cohort. Thus codelist attribute of the cohort must be populated. If it is missing then it could be populated using `addCodelistAttribute()` function.

Furthermore `codelistDiagnostics()` requires achilles tables to be present in the cdm so that concept counts could be derived.





A cohort table in a cdm reference. The cohort_codelist attribute must be populated. The cdm reference must contain achilles tables as these will be used for deriving concept counts.


A summarised result


# \donttest{

cdm <- mockPhenotypeR()

cdm$arthropathies <- conceptCohort(cdm,
                                   conceptSet = list("arthropathies" = c(40475132)),
                                   name = "arthropathies")
#> Warning: ! `codelist` casted to integers.
#>  Subsetting table condition_occurrence using 1 concept with domain: condition.
#>  No cohort entries found, returning empty cohort table.

result <- codelistDiagnostics(cdm$arthropathies)
#>  Getting codelists from cohorts
#>  Getting index event breakdown
#> Getting counts of arthropathies codes for cohort arthropathies
#>  No records found in the cdm for the concepts provided.
#> Warning: The CDM reference containing the cohort must also contain achilles tables.
#> Returning only index event breakdown.

CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm = cdm)
# }