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A shiny app that is designed for any diagnostics results from phenotypeR, this includes:

* A diagnostics on the database via `databaseDiagnostics`. * A diagnostics on the cohort_codelist attribute of the cohort via `codelistDiagnostics`. * A diagnostics on the cohort via `cohortDiagnostics`. * A diagnostics on the population via `populationDiagnostics`. * A diagnostics on the matched cohort via `matchedDiagnostics`.


  minCellCount = 5,
  open = rlang::is_interactive()



A summarised result


Directory where to save report


Minimum cell count for suppression when exporting results.


If TRUE, the shiny app will be launched in a new session. If FALSE, the shiny app will be created but not launched.


A shiny app


# \donttest{

cdm <- mockPhenotypeR()

result <- phenotypeDiagnostics(cdm$my_cohort)
#> Warning: ! cohort_codelist attribute for cohort not found
#>  Returning an empty summarised result
#>  You can add a codelist to a cohort with `addCodelistAttribute()`.
#>  Getting cohort attrition
#>  Getting cohort overlap
#>  Getting cohort timing
#>  The following estimates will be computed:
#>  days_between_cohort_entries: median, q25, q75, min, max, density
#> ! Table is collected to memory as not all requested estimates are supported on
#>   the database side
#> → Start summary of data, at 2025-02-19 09:34:06.423398
#>  Summary finished, at 2025-02-19 09:34:06.505113
#>  cohort_1 - get cohort and index
#>  cohort_1 - cohort summary
#>  adding demographics columns
#>  adding tableIntersectCount 1/1
#>  summarising data
#>  summariseCharacteristics finished!
#>  cohort_1 - age density
#>  The following estimates will be computed:
#>  age: density
#> → Start summary of data, at 2025-02-19 09:34:10.658921
#>  Summary finished, at 2025-02-19 09:34:10.961084
#>  cohort_2 - get cohort and index
#>  cohort_2 - cohort summary
#>  adding demographics columns
#>  adding tableIntersectCount 1/1
#>  summarising data
#>  summariseCharacteristics finished!
#>  cohort_2 - age density
#>  The following estimates will be computed:
#>  age: density
#> → Start summary of data, at 2025-02-19 09:34:14.987342
#>  Summary finished, at 2025-02-19 09:34:15.291748
#>  Creating denominator for incidence and prevalence
#>  Sampling person table to 1e+06
#>  Creating denominator cohorts
#>  Cohorts created in 0 min and 5 sec
#>  Estimating incidence
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 1 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 2 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 3 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 4 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 5 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 6 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 7 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 8 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 9 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 10 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 11 of 12
#>  Getting incidence for analysis 12 of 12
#>  Overall time taken: 0 mins and 12 secs
#>  Estimating prevalence
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 1 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 2 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 3 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 4 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 5 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 6 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 7 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 8 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 9 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 10 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 11 of 12
#>  Getting prevalence for analysis 12 of 12
#>  Time taken: 0 mins and 7 secs
#>  Sampling cohorts
#> Returning entry cohort as the size of the cohorts to be sampled is equal or
#> smaller than `n`.
#>  Generating an age and sex matched cohort for cohort_1
#> Starting matching
#>  Creating copy of target cohort.
#>  1 cohort to be matched.
#>  Creating controls cohorts.
#>  Excluding cases from controls
#>  Matching by gender_concept_id and year_of_birth
#>  Removing controls that were not in observation at index date
#>  Excluding target records whose pair is not in observation
#>  Adjusting ratio
#> Binding cohorts
#>  Done
#>  adding demographics columns
#>  adding tableIntersectCount 1/1
#>  summarising data
#>  summariseCharacteristics finished!
#>  Getting age density
#>  The following estimates will be computed:
#>  age: density
#> → Start summary of data, at 2025-02-19 09:34:53.038638
#>  Summary finished, at 2025-02-19 09:34:53.35988
#>  Running large scale characterisation
#>  Summarising large scale characteristics 
#>  - getting characteristics from table condition_occurrence (1 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table visit_occurrence (2 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table measurement (3 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table procedure_occurrence (4 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table observation (5 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table drug_exposure (6 of 6)
#>  Sampling cohorts
#> Returning entry cohort as the size of the cohorts to be sampled is equal or
#> smaller than `n`.
#>  Generating an age and sex matched cohort for cohort_2
#> Starting matching
#>  Creating copy of target cohort.
#>  1 cohort to be matched.
#>  Creating controls cohorts.
#>  Excluding cases from controls
#>  Matching by gender_concept_id and year_of_birth
#>  Removing controls that were not in observation at index date
#>  Excluding target records whose pair is not in observation
#>  Adjusting ratio
#> Binding cohorts
#>  Done
#>  adding demographics columns
#>  adding tableIntersectCount 1/1
#>  summarising data
#>  summariseCharacteristics finished!
#>  Getting age density
#>  The following estimates will be computed:
#>  age: density
#> → Start summary of data, at 2025-02-19 09:35:44.536373
#>  Summary finished, at 2025-02-19 09:35:44.862635
#>  Running large scale characterisation
#>  Summarising large scale characteristics 
#>  - getting characteristics from table condition_occurrence (1 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table visit_occurrence (2 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table measurement (3 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table procedure_occurrence (4 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table observation (5 of 6)
#>  - getting characteristics from table drug_exposure (6 of 6)

shinyDiagnostics(result, tempdir())

CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm = cdm)
# }