
  • Removed support for older versions of DatabaseConnector (< 5.0.0)
  • Deprecated usage of oracleTempSchema in favour of tempEmulationSchema
  • Allow calls to run with a DatabaseConnector connection object
  • No longer supports undocumented use of connectionDetails$conn for storing connections when calling runSelfControlledCohort
  • Added function computeSccRiskWindows to allow computation of exposure risk windows without having to run full SCC analysis
  • Storage of results (before rate ratios are computed) now in a results table.
  • Storage of time at risk results no longer merged with estimates
  • Added tests on sqlite for faster unit testing while working on development
  • Added testing on redshift
  • Use of DatabaseConnector::renderTranslateQueryApplyBatched allowing optional callbacks for working with large data sets (too large for memory)
  • Added computation of conventional p-values to results


  • Added support for github actions and removed travis configuration
  • Added computeTarDistribution flag to runSelfControlledCohort, which computes the distribution of exposure time windows for subjects experiencing the outcome and average absolute time between exposure and outcome.
  • Added vignette for usage with some examples

Bug Fixes: - Fixed issue with DatabaseConnector v 4.0.0 connectionDetails object on osx and linux caused by usage of connectionDetails$conn for storage of a connection