Create a parameter object for the function runSelfControlledCohort
firstExposureOnly = TRUE,
firstOutcomeOnly = TRUE,
minAge = "",
maxAge = "",
studyStartDate = "",
studyEndDate = "",
addLengthOfExposureExposed = TRUE,
riskWindowStartExposed = 1,
riskWindowEndExposed = 30,
addLengthOfExposureUnexposed = TRUE,
riskWindowEndUnexposed = -1,
riskWindowStartUnexposed = -30,
hasFullTimeAtRisk = FALSE,
washoutPeriod = 0,
followupPeriod = 0,
computeTarDistribution = FALSE
If TRUE, only use first occurrence of each drug concept idfor each person
If TRUE, only use first occurrence of each condition conceptid for each person.
Integer for minimum allowable age.
Integer for maximum allowable age.
Date for minimum allowable data for index exposure. Dateformat is 'yyyymmdd'.
Date for maximum allowable data for index exposure. Dateformat is 'yyyymmdd'.
If TRUE, use the duration from drugEraStart -> drugEraEnd as part of timeAtRisk.
Integer of days to add to drugEraStart for start oftimeAtRisk (0 to include index date, 1 to start the dayafter).
Additional window to add to end of exposure period (ifaddLengthOfExposureExposed = TRUE, then add to exposure enddate, else add to exposure start date).
If TRUE, use the duration from exposure start -> exposureend as part of timeAtRisk looking back before exposurestart.
Integer of days to add to exposure start for end oftimeAtRisk (0 to include index date, -1 to end the daybefore).
Additional window to add to start of exposure period (ifaddLengthOfExposureUnexposed = TRUE, then add to exposureend date, else add to exposure start date).
If TRUE, restrict to people who have full time-at-riskexposed and unexposed.
Integer to define required time observed before exposurestart.
Integer to define required time observed after exposurestart.
If TRUE, computer the distribution of time-at-risk and average absolute time between treatment and outcome. Note, may add significant computation time on some database engines. If set true in one analysis will default to true for all others.
Create an object defining the parameter values.