
This document describes the data model of the output of the SelfControlledCaseSeries (SCCS) package, generated by the exportToCsv() function. This vignette assumes you are already familiar with the SelfControlledCaseSeries package, and have read all other vignettes.

Exposures, covariates of interest, and controls

As described in the ‘Single studies using the SelfControlledCaseSeries package’ vignette, eras are cohorts or drug eras extracted from the database. Covariates can either be splines, for example representing age or season, or era covariates, derived from eras. When defining covariates using the createEraCovariateSettings() function we can either use verbatim era IDs (e.g. cohort IDs), or we can reference a variable (typically called ‘exposureId’). When defining exposures using the exposure() function, we can define different era IDs to be used for this variable, thereby using the same analysis settings for different exposures and outcomes. For each exposure we can set the trueEffectSize if known. Any exposure with known true effect size is considered a control, and will be used for empirical calibration. Some of our covariates can be marked as covariates of interest by setting exposureOfInterest = TRUE when calling createEraCovariateSettings(). This is especially relevant for the results model, since these covariates will be reported in the sccs_result table.

Exposures-outcome-sets, analysis IDs and models

Using the createExposuresOutcome() function we can define an outcome with one or more exposures, since an SCCS model can have multiple exposures (e.g. we could have separte exposures for the first and second dose of a vaccine). With the createSccsAnalysis() function we can create a set of settings for analysis describing which data to extract from the database, how to transform that data including which covariates to construct, and how to fit the SCCS model. Each analysis setting has a unique analysis ID. Each combination of an exposures-outcome-set and an analysis setting will correspond to one SCCS model. A model can have multiple covariates, and each covariates can be based on multiple eras.

Fields with minimum values

Some fields contain patient counts or fractions that can easily be converted to patient counts. To prevent identifiability, these fields are subject to a minimum value. When the value falls below this minimum, it is replaced with the negative value of the minimum. For example, if the minimum subject count is 5, and the actual count is 2, the value stored in the data model will be -5, which could be represented as ‘<5’ to the user. Note that the value 0 is permissible, as it identifies no persons. These fields are identified below as having Min. count = ‘Yes’.


In this section you will find the list of tables and their fields.

Table sccs_age_spanning

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
age_month int Yes No Age in months since birth.
cover_before_after_subjects int No Yes Number of subjects whose observation period covers this month as well as the one before and after.

Table sccs_analysis

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A unique identifier for an analysis.
description varchar No No A description for an analysis, e.g. ‘Correcting for age and season’.
definition varchar No No A JSON object specifying the analysis.

Table sccs_attrition

Field Type Key Min. count Description
sequence_number int Yes No The place in the sequence of steps defining the final analysis cohort. 1 indicates the original exposed population without any inclusion criteria.
description varchar No No A description of the last restriction, e.g. “Removing persons with the outcome prior”.
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
covariate_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_covariate table. The identifier for the covariate of interest.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
outcome_subjects int No Yes The number of subjects with at least one outcome.
outcome_events int No Yes The number of outcome events.
outcome_observation_periods int No Yes The number of observation periods containing at least one outcome.
observed_days bigint No Yes The number of days subjects were observed.

Table sccs_calendar_time_spanning

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
calendar_year int Yes No Calendar year (e.g. 2022)
calendar_month int Yes No Calendar month (e.g. 1 is January).
cover_before_after_subjects int No Yes Number of subjects whose observation period covers this month as well as the one before and after.

Table sccs_censor_model

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
parameter_id int Yes No The parameter number in the censor model (starting at 1).
parameter_value float No No The fitted parameter value.
model_type varchar No No The type of censor model. Can be ‘Weibull-Age’. ‘Weibull-Interval’, ‘Gamma-Age’, or ‘Gamma-Interval’.

Table sccs_covariate

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
covariate_id int Yes No A unique identifier for a covariate.
covariate_name varchar No No A description for the covariate.
era_id int No No A foreign key referencing the sccs_era table.
covariate_analysis_id int No No A foreign key referencing the sccs_covariate_analysis table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.

Table sccs_covariate_analysis

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
covariate_analysis_id int Yes No A unique identifier for a covariate analysis.
covariate_analysis_name varchar No No A name for a covariate analysis, e.g. ‘Pre-exposure’.
variable_of_interest int No No Is the variable of interest (1 = yes, 0 = no).

Table sccs_covariate_result

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
covariate_id int Yes No The identifier for the covariate.
rr float No No The estimated relative risk (i.e. the incidence rate ratio).
ci_95_lb float No No The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.
ci_95_ub float No No The upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.

Table sccs_diagnostics_summary

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
covariate_id int Yes No The identifier for the covariate of interest.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
mdrr float No No The minimum detectable relative risk.
ease float No No The expected absolute systematic error.
time_trend_p float No No The p for whether the mean monthly ratio between observed and expected is no greater than 1.25.
pre_exposure_p float No No One-sided p-value for whether the rate before expore is higher than after, against the null of no difference.
mdrr_diagnostic varchar(20) No No Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the MDRR diagnostic.
ease_diagnostic varchar(20) No No Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the EASE diagnostic.
time_trend_diagnostic varchar(20) No No Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the time trend (unstalbe months) diagnostic.
pre_exposure_diagnostic varchar(20) No No Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the time trend (unstalbe months) diagnostic.
unblind int No No Is unblinding the result recommended? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
unblind_for_evidence_synthesis int No No Is unblinding the result for inclusion in evidence synthesis recommended? This ignores the MDRR diagnostic. (1 = yes, 0 = no)

Table sccs_era

Field Type Key Min. count Description
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
analysis_id int Yes No A unique identifier for an analysis.
era_type varchar Yes No The type of era (e.g. ‘rx’ for drugs).
era_id int Yes No A unique identifier, corresponding to the ID in the source table (e.g. cohort_definition_id in a cohort table, or the drug_concept_id in the drug_era table).
era_name varchar No No A name for the era. Is NULL for eras derived from cohorts.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.

Table sccs_event_dep_observation

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
months_to_end int Yes No Number of months until observation end.
censored int Yes No Whether the observation is censored (meaning, not equal to the end of database time). (1 = censored, 0 = not censored).
outcomes int No Yes Number of outcomes observed during the month.

Table sccs_exposure

Field Type Key Min. count Description
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
era_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_era table.
true_effect_size float No No If known, the true effect size. For negatitive controls this equals 1.

Table sccs_exposures_outcome_set

Field Type Key Min. count Description
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A unique identifier for a set of exposures and an outcome.
outcome_id int No No A cohort ID.
nesting_cohort_id int No No A cohort ID.

Table sccs_likelihood_profile

Field Type Key Min. count Description
log_rr float Yes No The log of the relative risk where the likelihood is sampled.
log_likelihood float No No The normalized log likelihood.
covariate_id int Yes No The identifier for the covariate of interest.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.

Table sccs_result

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
covariate_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_covariate table. The identifier for the covariate of interest.
rr float No No The estimated relative risk (i.e. the incidence rate ratio).
ci_95_lb float No No The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.
ci_95_ub float No No The upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.
p float No No The two-sided p-value considering the null hypothesis of no effect.
one_sided_p float No No The one-sided p-value considering the null hypothesis of IRR <= 1.
outcome_subjects int No Yes The number of subjects with at least one outcome.
outcome_events int No Yes The number of outcome events.
outcome_observation_periods int No Yes The number of observation periods containing at least one outcome.
covariate_subjects int No Yes The number of subjects having the covariate.
covariate_days int No Yes The total covariate time in days.
covariate_eras int No Yes The number of continuous eras of the covariate.
covariate_outcomes int No Yes The number of outcomes observed during the covariate time.
observed_days bigint No Yes The number of days subjects were observed.
log_rr float No No The log of the relative risk.
se_log_rr float No No The standard error of the log of the relative risk.
llr float No No The log of the likelihood ratio (of the MLE vs the null hypothesis of no effect).
calibrated_rr float No No The calibrated relative risk.
calibrated_ci_95_lb float No No The lower bound of the calibrated 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.
calibrated_ci_95_ub float No No The upper bound of the calibrated 95% confidence interval of the relative risk.
calibrated_p float No No The calibrated two-sided p-value.
calibrated_one_sided_p float No No The calibrated one-sided p-value considering the null hypothesis of IRR <= 1.
calibrated_log_rr float No No The log of the calibrated relative risk.
calibrated_se_log_rr float No No The standard error of the log of the calibrated relative risk.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.

Table sccs_spline

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
spline_type varchar Yes No Either ‘age’, ‘season’, or ‘calendar time’.
knot_month float Yes No Location of the knot. For age, the month since birth. For season, the month of the year. For calendar time, the month since 1-1-1970.
rr float No No The estimated relative risk (i.e. the incidence rate ratio).

Table sccs_time_to_event

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
era_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_era table. The identifier for the era of interest.
week int Yes No The number of the week relative to exposure. Week 0 starts on the day of exposure initiation.
observed_subjects int No Yes The numer of people observed during the week.
outcomes int No Yes The number of outcomes observed durig the week.

Table sccs_time_trend

Field Type Key Min. count Description
analysis_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.
exposures_outcome_set_id int Yes No A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.
database_id varchar Yes No Foreign key referencing the database.
calendar_year int Yes No The calendar year (e.g. 2022).
calendar_month int Yes No The calendar month (e.g. 1 for January).
observed_subjects int No Yes Number of people observed during the month.
ratio float No No Observed over expected ratio, where the expected count assumes a constant rate over time.
adjusted_ratio float No No Observed over expected ratio, where the expected count is adjusted for age, season, or calendar time, as specified in the analysis.