We introduce a new R package called ClinicalCharacteristics which is a table-shell approach to characterization in real-world data mapped to the OMOP CDM. The purpose of introducing this package was to deal with table-shells in studies. Often we encounter situations where our study counter-parts wish to characterize an indication based on a series of specific comorbidities identified using a set of codes. Using base OHDSI tools this request is becomes non-trivial, involving lots of data-wrangling. Our goal was to build a tool that could characterize specific comorbidities of interest and only pull results of interest omitting superflous output.
The common characterization tool FeatureExtraction
designed for drawing as many arbitrary features for high-dimenionsal
modelling. In the modelling situation, it is to our advantage to pull
any concept from a domain table to use in a model and optimize its fit.
Further, a handy side-effect of FeatureExtraction
is its
ability to quantify counts and proportions for the presence of concepts.
This is a fantastic tool that has been a cornerstone in OHDSI software
for many years. However, it yields output that either requires
additional data wrangling or does not quite answer the specified
characterization. The alternative is to write custom sql to
characterize. While this solution solves the immediate project problem
it no longer abides by standardized analytics which is cornerstone to
network studies.
A characterization requires input based on: one, the target cohort to use as a reference point; two, a time window to observe the occurrence of a characteristic; and three identification of a characteristic listed as follows:
For concept sets, cohorts and concept set groups, this tool can handle the following types of aggregations:
The final feature implemented in ClinicalCharacteristics
is how to report a characteristic; either categorizing a continuous
variable or scoring a categorical variable. For example, we can choose
to report the distribution of age in 5 year, 10 year or another custom
grouping. Another example we can categorize the number of SGLT2
medications taken in a time window by converting the continuous count to
a categorical break (eg. 1, 2, 3, 4+ prescriptions). Finally we can
score a categorical variable by applying a weight to the presence of a
comorbidity (a Charlson score for example).
The design of ClinicalCharacteristics follows a simple workflow implemented in SQL.
Similar to circe, ClinicalCharacteristics
takes the
input of the table shell specification and renders a sql file to build
the table shell. The routing of these steps is handled in R, using R6
This R package is still under-development as of its presentation at the 2024 OHDSI symposium. An earlier version of the package (v0.3.4) is available for use but will be subject to major refactoring.
We provide an example for running
# create execution settings R6 class
executionSettings <- createExecutionSettings(
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm_schema",
workDatabaseSchema = "work_schema",
tempEmulationSchema = "temp_schema",
targetCohortTable = "cohorts",
cdmSourceName = "my_omop_data"
# Using CAPR to create concept sets to implement in ClinChar
## baseline conditions
cs1 <- list(
'hf' = cs(descendants(316139), name = "hf"),
'ckd' = cs(descendants(46271022), name = "ckd")
## drugs
cs2 <- list(
'metformin' = cs(descendants(1503297), name = "metformin"),
'sglt2' = cs(descendants(1123627), name = "sglt2")
# Identification of time windows
tw <- list(
timeInterval(lb = -365, rb = -1)
tw1 <- list(
timeInterval(lb = 0, rb = 90),
timeInterval(lb = 0, rb = 365)
# Specification of Table Shell
tableShell <- createTableShell(
title = "Test",
targetCohorts = list(
createCohortInfo(id = 1, name = "T2D")
lineItems = lineItems(
name = "Baseline Conditions",
domain = "condition_occurrence",
statistic = createPresence(),
conceptSets = cs1,
timeInterval = tw
name = "Drug Usage",
domain = "drug_exposure",
statistic = createPresence(),
conceptSets = cs2,
timeIntervals = tw1
# generation of table shell
res <- generateTableShell(tableShell, executionSettings)
# review sql
reviewTableShellSql(tableShell = tableShell, executionSettings)
# explore results
previewTableShell(res, type = "continuous")
previewTableShell(res, type = "categorical")