The goal of ClinicalCharacteristics
is to characterize a patient population using OMOP data. This approach uses a table shell approach where characteristic extraction are limited to what is specified in the build object.
To install ClinicalCharacteristics
, follow these steps:
file in the repositoryClinicalCharacteristics.RProj
to test the package.To run this example you need to install Capr
# make connection details
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
dbms = '<dbms>',
user = "<user>",
password = "<password>",
connectionString = "<jdbcString>"
executionSettings <- list(
databaseName = "my_omop_data",
cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm",
workDatabaseSchema = "scratch",
cohortTable = "cohorts"
outputFolder <- here::here("my_output")
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
clinChar <- makeClinChar(
targetCohortIds = 1,
targetCohortNames = "Target",
dbms = connection@dbms,
database = executionSettings$databaseName,
cdmDatabaseSchema = executionSettings$cdmDatabaseSchema,
workDatabaseSchema = executionSettings$workDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = executionSettings$cohortTable
) |>
addAgeChar(categorize = age10yrGrp()) |>
addGenderChar() |>
addRaceChar() |>
addYearChar(categorize = year5yrGrp()) |>
conceptSets = charlsonConcepts(),
timeWindows = makeTimeTable(time_a = -365, time_b = -1),
limit = "first",
score = charlsonIndexScore(ageId = 1)
) |>
conceptSets = atcConcepts(),
timeWindows = makeTimeTable(
time_a = c(-365, 0, 0, 0),
time_b = c(-1, 183, 365, 730)
limit = "first"
) |>
timeWindows = makeTimeTable(
time_a = c(-365, 0, 0, 0),
time_b = c(-1, 183, 365, 730)
) |>
conceptSets = standardVisitConcepts(),
timeWindows = makeTimeTable(
time_a = c(-365, 0, 0, 0),
time_b = c(-1, 183, 365, 730)
# run the clinical characteristics
dt <- runClinicalCharacteristics(connection = connection,
clinChar = clinChar,
saveName = "internals_test",
savePath = outputFolder,
dropDat = FALSE)
# preview the categorical results
previewClincalCharacteristics(dt, type = "categorical")
# preview the continuous results
previewClincalCharacteristics(dt, type = "continuous")
#build a report
createReport(clinChar, outputFolder = outputFolder)