All functions |
An R6 class to define a Count object |
Create age demographic line item |
Create a CohortInfo object for a cohort and set its attributes |
Create a cohort line item and set its attributes |
Create a batch of cohort line items from a list of CohortInfo objects. |
Create a concept set line item and set its attributes |
Create a batch of concept set line items from a list of Capr concept sets. |
Create ethnicity demographic line item |
Create an ExecutionSettings object and set its attributes |
Create gender demographic line item |
Create race demographic line item |
Create an empty TableShell object and set its title |
Combine all lineItems to enter into the tableShell slot |
Parse cohort info from a data frame |
An R6 class to define a Presence object |
An R6 class to define a Statistic object |
Create a single time interval |