After you’ve forked and checked out
this project from
Github, you should have a directory structure that looks similar to the
The source files for the documentation are in the rmd
The top level menue structure for the application is in the
“_site.yml” file.
To create a new page, add a new .Rmd file to the rmd folder.
Add content to the page using R-markdown and HTML. To
preview a page, press the “Knit” button at the top of the RStudio UI.
The entire web site can be build by setting the working directory and
then running rmarkdown::render_site().
After rmarkdown::render_site() has been run, the site can be
browsed by opening one of the html files in the ./docs folder using a
web browser.
When you’re done with your edits run
rmarkdown::render_site(), commit your work, and create a pull request
(see the Git
Quickstart Guide for instructions on committing and creating a pull