This document provides a complete example of how to run a Strategus
study using the Strategus client Ergasia
Before starting, identify the datasource to be used as the CDM. If you do not have a data source, you can create an instance of the Eunomia CDM by following the instructions in the OHDSI on databricks guide in the “Create a test instance of the CDM in Databricks” section.
R 4.2.3 can be downloaded from
RTools 4.2 can be downloaded from
Or the windows installer for each can be directly downloaded here:
After downloading the installers perform these steps in order:install.packages("usethis") library(usethis) edit_r_environ()Add the following line to your .Renviron file.
R_LIBS_USER="C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/library"
To run our Strategus study we will be using a Strategus client called Ergasia (named after the Greek god of light work… or so I’ve been told by ChatGPT). Clone the project and check out the desired version as shown below (this documentation was created for the v0.0.1 version).
git clone cd ergasia git checkout v0.0.1
Note that the Ergasia project is somewhat object oriented. Files are best browsed in a tool that supports file browsing a little bit better than RStudio. Here, we will be using Visual Studio Code (VSC) to browse files and RStudio to execute code.
Note for Windows users:
Currently Strategus uses C:/Program
Files/R/R-4.2.3/library as the location for R library files. This
directory is often restricted to the admin user for write access. To
ensure everything runs smoothly, it is recommended that you Start
RStudio as admin user for all Strategus work.
Strategus (and R in general) has requirements for version configuration.
Before we can run our study, we need to make sure we have the correct
libraries and the correct versions of these libraries installed. This
can be done by simply running the Bootstrap.R script found in
./_StartHere/Bootstrap. Open this script in RStudio and execute the
entire script (e.g.
The Ergasia project includes everything required to run included test
studies… except for the connection details for the CDM database
connection. Future releases will include connection details to a default
install of Braodsea. To run a test study, simply create your CDM
connection details (as described below),
edit the ./_StartHere/Configuration/configuration.json file (as
described below), and then run ./_StartHere/01-RunStudies.R script.
All of the resources you will normally need to run a study are in the _StartHere folder including all of the configurations you will need to edit or otherwise define.
To run a study, we will need the following:
Connection details for your reporting (postgres) instance can be
configured by editing:
The contents of the existing ConnectionDetailsForCdm.R file are
shown below.
# --- # # ConnectionDetailsFactoryForResults.R # This script creates the DatabaseConnector connectionDetails objects used for reporting results. # Use this code as is or substitute with your own. # # --- ConnectionDetailsForResults <- {} ConnectionDetailsForResults$createConnectionDetails <- function() { resultsDatabaseConnectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails( dbms = "postgresql", connectionString = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/STRAT_RESULTS?user=postgres&password=ohdsi¤tSchema=STRAT_RESULTS", pathToDriver = "D:/_YES/databases/postgres/drivers/42.3.3" ) return(resultsDatabaseConnectionDetails) }
Connection details for your CDM instance can be configured by editing:
Instructions for setting up the keychain used here can be found in the
key ring example.
The contents of the existing ConnectionDetailsForCdm.R file are shown
# --- # # Implementation of ConnectionDetailsForCdm that returns a Databricks connection # and uses a keyring to store secret information. # # --- ConnectionDetailsForCdm <- {} ConnectionDetailsForCdm$get <- function() { # # functions to get databricks token (user will be prompted for keyring password) # getToken <- function () { return ( keyring::backend_file$new()$get( service = "production", user = "token", keyring = "databricks_keyring" ) ) } # # functions to get url with the token included # getUrl <- function () { url <- "jdbc:databricks://;transportMode=http;ssl=1;httpPath=sql/protocolv1/o/3956472157536757/0123-223459-leafy532;AuthMech=3;UseNativeQuery=1;UID=token;PWD=" return ( paste(url, getToken(), sep = "") ) } connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails ( dbms = "spark", connectionString = getUrl(), pathToDriver="D:\\_YES_2023-05-28\\workspace\\SosExamples\\_COVID\\02-data-diagnostics\\drivers\\databricks\\" ) return(connectionDetails) }
The Ergasia project assumes you have created your Strategus study definition. Study definitions that can be used for testing and validation can be found in the ./_StartHere/Studies folder. The process for creating a Strategus study is currently documented at
A sample configuration file that can be used for testing can be found at ./_StartHere/Configuration/configuration.json. The contents of this file are shown below.
{ "libPath": "", "dbms": "spark", "resultsDatabaseName": "EUNOMIA_RESULTS", "outputDir": "C:/temp/ergasia/EUNOMIA", "logDir": "C:/temp/ergasia/log", "pathToDriver": "./etc/database/postgres/42.3.3", "cdmSchema": "demo_cdm", "workSchema": "demo_work", "tempSchema": "demo_temp", "resultsSchemaPrefix": "demo_", "cohortTableName": "demo_cohort", "studyNameList": [], "resultsFilter": [], "databaseFilter": [], "minCellCount": 5, "studiesToRun": [ ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_andreas.json", "andreas"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_azza.json", "azza"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_evan.json", "evan"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_george.json", "george"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_gowza.json", "gowza"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_joel.json", "joel"], ["./_StartHere/Studies/Test/howoften/howoften_overall.json", "overall"] ] }
Each of these parameters are described below.
This section describes the parameters defined in the ./_StartHere/Configuration/configuration.json file. The next section (“Run Studies”) will describe the end to end process to run a study.
This parameter is no longer used and is in the process of being refactored out.
The dmbs of your CDM (e.g. “spark”, “postgres”, etc.
This is the name of the Postgres Database where the results will be stored. This database needs to be created before running a study.
The root directory where the study results will be written.
The directory where logging output will be directed.
The path to where the jdbc driver for your Postgres database can be found. This diretory should only contain the driver and no other files.
The name of the schema that contains the CDM to be used for the study.
This is a schema in the same dbms system that will be used as a workspace by Strategus. This schema needs to be created before running a study.
This is a schema in the same dbms system that will be used as a workspace by Strategus. This schema needs to be created before running a study.
This is used to name the schema where the results of a study will be store. For example, if we run the study called “andreas” (described below), the results of the run will be written to a schema called “demo_andreas”.
Strategus needs this. Pick a name that make sense to you. I have not yet needed to access this table (i.e. it seems to be used primarily internally).
studyNameList, resultsFilter, and databseFilter are currently not used.
This is a value used to supress the creation of small sets of patients to protect privacy.
This is a list of the studies that will be run. Each item in this list contains the name of the file that contains the Strategus definition for the study and the name to be used for the study.
Note for Windows users:
Currently Strategus uses
C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/library as the location for R library files.
This directory is often restricted to the admin user for write access.
To ensure everything runs smoothly, it is recommended that you Start
RStudio as admin user for all Strategus work.
In this section end-to-end detailed instructions to run a study are given.
Results for a study are stored in a PostgreSql database. The empty shell of the database needs to be created. The tables will be created after the study is run using the ./_StartHere/02-CreateResultsTables.R script.
To create the PostgreSql database, open PgAdmin, select your host,
right click on Databases, and select Create > Database…
Enter a name for your database (ERG_DEMO will be used
here) and select Save.
Open the
./_StartHere/Configuration/configuration.json file and edit the
“resultsDatabaseName” parameter to point to the new database (in this
case ERG_DEMO).
Strategus uses three databases to run a study: a working schema, a temp schema, and a cohort schema. These databases will be in the same RDMS as your CDM (in this case, Databricks). The empty shells of these databases need to be created before running a study. An example script that will create the instances of these schemas used by this example is given below.
-- the work schema drop database if exists demo_work cascade; create database demo_work; -- the temp schema drop database if exists demo_temp cascade; create database demo_temp; -- the cohort schema drop database if exists demo_cohort cascade; create database demo_cohort;
Update the ./_StartHere/Configuration/configuration.json file to
reflect the names of the databases we just created as shown below. Also,
set the “resultsSchemaPrefix”, this parameter is used to name the
results of each indidual study. Also, set the “cohortTableName”, in this
case we are going with “demo_cohort”. I haven’t yet had the need to find
this table (this parameters seems to be an internal configuration). You
probably don’t need to worry too much about this parameter unless you
are in an environment with multiple teams and users.
Navigate to the folder defined in connfiguration.json as the
“outputDir” (in this case C:_DEMO). Delete all but the _MODULES dir (the
_MODULES dir is where the Strategus libries will be places, this is
defined in the .Renviron file as described below). You can also delete
the _MODULES directory if you are getting errors and think that the
Strategus build/environment is not clean. This will cause the Strategus
dependencies to be downloaded again the next time Strategus is run.
install.packages("usethis") library(usethis) usethis::edit_r_environ()Add the following to the .Renviron file:
Save and close the .Renviron file.
Open RStudio (using run as admin user). Open the ergasia.Rproj. Open
./_StartHere/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.R. Execute this script.
Open ./_StartHere/01-RunStudies.R and execute this script.
After Strategus successfully completes, a folder should be created
for each study run. The folder will have the name given in the
configuration.json file. Each foloder will contain the data and other
files generated by Strategus. In the next two steps we will create the
database tables that will hold the data that will be uploaded from these
To create the PostgreSql tables for the Strategus data run the
./_StartHere/02-CreateResultsTables.R script.
To upload the results, run the ./_StartHere/03-UploadData.R script.
Upon completion of a successful run a schema will be created for each of
the studies run as shown below.
Each schema should be populated with tables generated by Strategus.
Population of data tables will be dependent upon the studies run and the
source CDM data. For the studies run here the ci_incidence_summary
should be populated as shown below.
Comming soon…