
Use Case Simplified

To oversimplify, our goal is to create a mechanism to locally deploy a geospatial database, standardize the representation of place-related data within, and automate the process of populating data into it.

Consequently, the foundational goals of our design can be summarized as:

  • Extensibility
    • Tooling (via a standard data model)
    • Collaborative growth
    • Integration with ontologies
  • Automation
    • Data retrieval, standardization, ingestion
    • Deployment of stack
  • Efficiency
    • Storage design
    • Centralized functional metadata

Strategy Snapshot

Challenge Approach
Enable extensible tooling Implement a common data model for place-related data
Establish universal representation for any place-related data Represent data as geometries and attributes (of geometries)
Create efficiency when dealing with large amount of standardized data Split each data source into it’s own pair of geometries and attributes
Create static functionality that works for any new data added Indexing structures and parameterization to treat the collection of disparate tables as if they were functionally combined
Maintain source data provenance and versioning Data source and variable metadata, given unique identifiers, that are referenced throughout the schema
Automate the processes of data retrieval, ingestion, and standardization into our common model Create “functional metadata” at both the data source and variable level, and an R package to execute it
Enable collaborative growth of functional metadata Host the metadata centrally, instead of the actual data sources. Create separate tooling to ease burden of creating new metadata records


TODO: brief description of the pipline. “GaiaR takes metadata specifications to…” etc.

TODO: image descC

Backbone Schema


There are three distinct portions of our schema:

  • Data Source & Variable Metadata

    • contained within DATA_SOURCE and VARIABLE_SOURCE tables
      • VARIABLE_SOURCE to DATA_SOURCE is a many-to-one relationship
    • both functional and descriptive metadata

  • Indexing Tables

    • Contained within GEOM_INDEX and ATTR_INDEX
    • This provides the functional mapping between the data source and variable definitions to the local place-related data
    • These tables are automatically populated when new data sources are added

    • Contained within GEOM_{x} and ATTR_{x} tables (many instances)
    • All place-related data, once ingested, is represented as two tables:
      • Geometries
      • Attributes (of geometries)
    • Each data source is ingested as it’s own unique set GEOM and ATTR tables



TODO: Summarize diagram

Relation Summary

TODO: Summarize diagram

Full Schema

TODO: Summarize diagram

// TODO - 1-2 sentence intro

// TODO - Diagram

Metadata Tables

There are two tables within the ‘Metadata’ portion of our schema:


The blue stars signify functional metadata, described below


For a detailed description see: Specifications/Backbone/data_source

  • This table contains records that catalog external (or local) web-hosted entities.
  • All source data in gaiaDB must be referenced in this table
  • Every record in DATA_SOURCE has it’s own UUID
  • A DATA_SOURCE record is considered valid when the type of polygon is consistent (e.g. political boundary) and it has a unique combination of {Organization, Organization Set, Dataset Name}
    • If a data source has more than one “granularity” of geometry within (albeit quite rare), we split it up into multiple DATA_SOURCE records accordingly
  • This table contains descriptive and functional metadata that is leveraged when:
    • creating the indexing tables
    • downloading and ingesting data sources
    • translating and populating geometry-referenced data into the GEOM_{x} tables
  • VARIABLE_SOURCE, GEOM_INDEX and ATTR_INDEX all must persist valid foreign keys to DATA_SOURCE, thus the creation of DATA_SOURCE is the first step of ingestion
  • For a given data set, the translation logic for the geometry data is stored within the (DATA_SOURCE).geom_spec field. The attributes within a given data source are stored within VARIABLE_SOURCE and the attribute translation logic within (VARIABLE_SOURCE).attr_spec


For a detailed description see: Specifications/Backbone/variable_source

  • The VARIABLE_SOURCE table specifies the identification and translation logic for invidivual variables within a given data source.
  • The relation of VARIABLE_SOURCE to DATA_SOURCE is many-to-one.
  • While DATA_SOURCE contains the functional metadata for translating geometry objects (i.e. DATA_SOURCE.geom_spec), the logic for translating attributes is contained with VARIABLE_SOURCE (i.e. VARIABLE_SOURCE.attr_spec)

// TODO: Diagrams

  • one (ds) to many (vs)
  • example with 1 ds and many vs (svi?)

Indexing tables

There are two tables within the ‘Metadata’ portion of our schema:


  • Both tables are automatically populated by metadata contained within the DATA_SOURCE table.
  • These tables serve as a means to provide functional mapping to standardized place-related data contained in disparate schemas and tables, and, consequently, enables parameterized querying


For a detailed description see: Specifications/Backbone/geom_index


For a detailed description see: Specifications/Backbone/attr_index

Functional Metadata

TODO: purpose/use, etc.

  • defined structure

  • “recipes”

  • Centralized Repository

    • one paragraph and a link to GaiaCatalog


// TODO: description


// TODO: description