Create setting for gradient boosting machine model using gbm_xgboost implementation
Create setting for gradient boosting machine model using gbm_xgboost implementation
- ntrees
The number of trees to build
- nthread
The number of computer threads to use (how many cores do you have?)
- earlyStopRound
If the performance does not increase over earlyStopRound number of trees then training stops (this prevents overfitting)
- maxDepth
Maximum depth of each tree - a large value will lead to slow model training
- minChildWeight
Minimum sum of of instance weight in a child node - larger values are more conservative
- learnRate
The boosting learn rate
- scalePosWeight
Controls weight of positive class in loss - useful for imbalanced classes
- lambda
L2 regularization on weights - larger is more conservative
- alpha
L1 regularization on weights - larger is more conservative
- seed
An option to add a seed when training the final model