It is common for Atlas and WebAPI to have an authentication/authorization layer. Using ROhdsiWebApi with a security-enabled WebAPI instance requires a special security token to be sent along with any WebAPI request. This token is known as a bearer token and is created anytime a user logs in to Atlas.
The first step in using ROhdsiWebApi with security-enabled instance of Atlas/WebAPI is to identify which type of authentication is being used.
Commonly used options are
If you attempt to use ROhdsiWebApi on a security-enabled WebAPI instance without first authenticating you will see an http 401 error.
baseUrl <- ""
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): Error: http error 401: Unauthorized request. Try running `authorizeWebAPI()`
Supported login types will be visible on the ATLAS platform sign in page:
If you typically log in to Atlas using a username and password then
WebAPI is likely using either Active Directory or database
authentication. In this case it is easy to authorize ROhdsiWebApi by
calling the authorizeWebAPI()
authMethod = "db",
webApiUsername = Sys.getenv("WEBAPI_USERNAME"),
webApiPassword = Sys.getenv("WEBAPI_PASSWORD"))
This function does not return a value but instead has a side effect
of retrieving the bearer token from WebAPI and saving it in the
ROhdsiWebApi global package environment. If you are using Active
Directory then set authMethod = "ad"
and if you are using
database authentication then set authMethod = "db"
. Make
sure that your password is stored in an environment variable defined in
the .Renviron file (easily accessed by calling
) or stored and retrieved using
the keyring
package. Never store passwords in your R code.
If your client platform is windows, on a domain with NT authentication enabled, you may not need to enter a username and password.
authorizeWebApi(baseUrl, authMethod = "windows")
If your client is linux, OSX or not logged in to an NT domain you will need to enter a username and password as for the above methods of authentication.
If authorization was successful then the bearer token will be stored in the global package environment associated with its WebAPI base URL. If you are working with multiple WebAPI instances at the same time the correct token will be used with each instance since the base URL uniquely identifies the instance. Your username password are not saved or cached by the ROhdsiWebApi package.
#> [1] ""
#> $authHeader
#> [1] "Bearer gSyJhbzciOiJI0ZUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOIJhZGFtLx57wgSyJhb..."
This bearer token will then be added to the header all future requests sent by ROhdsiWebApi and all of the package API call functions should work.
#> # A tibble: 2 x 7
#> sourceId sourceName sourceKey sourceDialect cdmDatabaseSc~1 vocab~2 resul~3
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 911 SynPUF 110k synpuf-110k postgresql cdm_531 cdm_531 result~
#> 2 912 SynPUF 2.3m synpuf-2m postgresql cdm_531 cdm_531 result~
#> # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: cdmDatabaseSchema,
#> # 2: vocabDatabaseSchema, 3: resultsDatabaseSchema
You will need to run authorizeWebApi each time R is restarted or when the bearer token expires. The lifetime of a bearer token depends on your Atlas/WebAPI installation.
Unfortunately there is currently no easy way to retrieve the bearer token from within R when using Google (OAuth2) authentication/authorization. However ROhdsiWebApi exposes a function that allows users to manually set the header that will be added to all future WebAPI requests.
Retrieving the Bearer token from a web browser is not difficult but does require getting in the weeds of the Chrome developer tools and is not very convenient. The process is
baseUrl <- ""
# Bearer copied from Google developer tools
token <- "Bearer eyJsdfiem3Mcju7KRc4cCI6MTYxNDk5MTMxNX0.oVFpFnvhFK3SqYlRhdj"
setAuthHeader(baseUrl, authHeader = token)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 7
#> sourceId sourceName sourceKey sourceDialect cdmDatabaseSchema vocab~1 resul~2
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 SYNPUF 5% SYNPUF5PCT postgresql synpuf5pct unrest~ synpuf~
#> # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: vocabDatabaseSchema,
#> # 2: resultsDatabaseSchema
There may be cases where ROhdsiWebApi will be used in a Shiny application with an instance of WebAPI that is using security. In that case the shiny app author will either want to prompt the user for their Atlas username and password or use a service account to connect to WebAPI.
To avoid errors due to token expiration tryCatch
can be
used to automatically re-authorize ROhdsiWebApi. However be sure to
securely store passwords and not include them in plain text in the Shiny
error = function(s) {
if(grepl("http error 401", e)) {
authMethod = "db",
webApiUsername = Sys.getenv("WEBAPI_USERNAME"),
webApiPassword = Sys.getenv("WEBAPI_PASSWORD"))
} else {