ROhdsiWebApi is part of HADES.


From Package Readme

ROhdsiWebApi is a R based interface to ‘WebApi’ (OHDSI RESTful services), and performs GET/PULL/POST/DELETE calls via the WebApi. All objects starting from R or output to R - are analysis ready R-objects like list and data.frame. The package handles the intermediary steps by converting R-objects to JSON and vice versa. To ensure r-objects are analysis ready, the objects are type converted where possible, e.g. date/date time are converted from string to POSIXct.

This package makes reproducible research easier, by offering ability to retrieve detailed study specifications, transport study specifications from one instance to another, programmatically invoke the generation of a sequence of steps that are part of a study, manage running studies in batch mode.

This document will attempt to explain how ROhdsiWebApi maybe used to achieve reproducible research.

WebApi configurations and ROhdsiWebApi

To successfully use ROhdsiWebApi, it is necessary to have an active ‘WebApi’ endpoint with a known baseUrl such as “”. ‘WebApi’ has many functional categories.

To ensure reproducibility of work it is best to know the version of the WebApi (i.e. Atlas backend) being used. An easy way to do that is (and output maybe included in your study results)

version <- ROhdsiWebApi:::getWebApiVersion(baseUrl = baseUrl)
message1 <- paste0('This Vignette was created using WebApi version: ', 
                   ' on baseUrl: ', 
                   ". The CDM had the following source data configured: ")
cdmSources <- ROhdsiWebApi::getCdmSources(baseUrl = baseUrl)
priorityVocabulary <- ROhdsiWebApi::getPriorityVocabularyKey(baseUrl = baseUrl)

The object version will show your webApi version. Example: This Vignette was created using WebApi version: 2.12.1 on baseUrl: The CDM had the following source data configured: .

#> # A tibble: 4 x 7
#>   sourceId sourceName            sourceKey  sourceDial~1 cdmDa~2 vocab~3 resul~4
#>      <int> <chr>                 <chr>      <chr>        <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#> 1        7 ATLASPROD             ATLASPROD  postgresql   synpuf~ unrest~ synpuf~
#> 2        4 Common Evidence Model CEM        postgresql   NA      unrest~ NA     
#> 3        6 SYNPUF 1K             SYNPUF1K   postgresql   synpuf~ unrest~ synpuf~
#> 4        5 SYNPUF 5%             SYNPUF5PCT postgresql   synpuf~ unrest~ synpuf~
#> # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: sourceDialect, 2: cdmDatabaseSchema,
#> #   3: vocabDatabaseSchema, 4: resultsDatabaseSchema

The priority vocabulary for the WebApi is SYNPUF5PCT.

We can also perform checks on the WebApi, example - we may want to see if the ‘HCUP’ & ‘SYNPUF1K’ is a valid SourceKey in the current webApi.

ROhdsiWebApi::isValidSourceKey(sourceKeys = c('HCUP', 'SYNPUF1K'), baseUrl = baseUrl)
#> [1] FALSE  TRUE

WebApi Analytical categories.

WebApi maybe considered to have certain modular analytic categories. ROhdsiWebApi supports the following categories:

#> Warning: Use of .data in tidyselect expressions was deprecated in tidyselect 1.2.0.
#> i Please use `"categoryFirstUpper"` instead of `.data$categoryFirstUpper`
Category Features
ConceptSet Functions for interfacing with ConceptSet in WebApi
Cohort Functions for interfacing with Cohort in WebApi
IncidenceRate Functions for interfacing with IncidenceRate in WebApi
Estimation Functions for interfacing with Estimation in WebApi
Prediction Functions for interfacing with Prediction in WebApi
Characterization Functions for interfacing with Characterization in WebApi
Pathway Functions for interfacing with Pathway in WebApi

Framework of ROhdsiWebApi

ROhdsiWebApi maybe better understood by having atleast a high level understanding of CRUD framework for WebApi, i.e. the GET, PUT, DELETE, POST calls to the API. See the documentation of the WebApi.

For each supported category, ROhdsiWebAPi performs GET, PUT, DELETE, POST calls to WebApi in background. The details of what calls are actually performed is less important to an analyst, but it is useful to understand the naming conventions of ROhdsiWebApi.

Naming conventions of ROhdsiWebApi

Most functions in ROhdsiWebApi start with an action oriented ‘verb’ - such as

Function Name Description
authorizeWebApi Authorize Web Api
cancelCharacterizationGeneration Cancel Characterization Generation
cancelCohortGeneration Cancel Cohort Generation
cancelGeneration Cancel Generation
cancelIncidenceRateGeneration Cancel Incidence Rate Generation
cancelPathwayGeneration Cancel Pathway Generation
checkInputFileEncoding Check Input File Encoding
convertConceptSetDefinitionToTable Convert Concept Set Definition To Table
createConceptSetWorkbook Create Concept Set Workbook
deleteCharacterizationDefinition Delete Characterization Definition
deleteCohortDefinition Delete Cohort Definition
deleteConceptSetDefinition Delete Concept Set Definition
deleteDefinition Delete Definition
deleteEstimationDefinition Delete Estimation Definition
deleteIncidenceRateDefinition Delete Incidence Rate Definition
deletePathwayDefinition Delete Pathway Definition
deletePredictionDefinition Delete Prediction Definition
detectCharacterizationsByName Detect Characterizations By Name
detectCohortsByName Detect Cohorts By Name
detectConceptSetsByName Detect Concept Sets By Name
detectEstimationsByName Detect Estimations By Name
detectIncidenceRatesByName Detect Incidence Rates By Name
detectPathwaysByName Detect Pathways By Name
detectPredictionsByName Detect Predictions By Name
existsCharacterizationName Exists Characterization Name
existsCohortName Exists Cohort Name
existsConceptSetName Exists Concept Set Name
existsEstimationName Exists Estimation Name
existsIncidenceRateName Exists Incidence Rate Name
existsPathwayName Exists Pathway Name
existsPredictionName Exists Prediction Name
exportCohortDefinitionSet Export Cohort Definition Set
getCdmsources Get Cdmsources
getCharacterizationDefinition Get Characterization Definition
getCharacterizationDefinitionsMetadata Get Characterization Definitions Metadata
getCharacterizationGenerationinformation Get Characterization Generationinformation
getCharacterizationResults Get Characterization Results
getCohortDefinition Get Cohort Definition
getCohortDefinitionExpression Get Cohort Definition Expression
getCohortDefinitionName Get Cohort Definition Name
getCohortDefinitionSql Get Cohort Definition Sql
getCohortDefinitionsMetadata Get Cohort Definitions Metadata
getCohortGenerationinformation Get Cohort Generationinformation
getCohortInclusionrulesandcounts Get Cohort Inclusionrulesandcounts
getCohortResults Get Cohort Results
getCohortSql Get Cohort Sql
getConceptSetDefinition Get Concept Set Definition
getConceptSetDefinitionBySourceKey Get Concept Set Definition By Source Key
getConceptSetDefinitionsMetadata Get Concept Set Definitions Metadata
getConcepts Get Concepts
getDefinition Get Definition
getDefinitionsMetadata Get Definitions Metadata
getEstimationDefinition Get Estimation Definition
getEstimationDefinitionsMetadata Get Estimation Definitions Metadata
getGenerationinformation Get Generationinformation
getIncidenceRateDefinition Get Incidence Rate Definition
getIncidenceRateDefinitionsMetadata Get Incidence Rate Definitions Metadata
getIncidenceRateGenerationinformation Get Incidence Rate Generationinformation
getIncidenceRateResults Get Incidence Rate Results
getPathwayDefinition Get Pathway Definition
getPathwayDefinitionsMetadata Get Pathway Definitions Metadata
getPathwayGenerationinformation Get Pathway Generationinformation
getPathwayResults Get Pathway Results
getPersonProfile Get Person Profile
getPredictionDefinition Get Prediction Definition
getPredictionDefinitionsMetadata Get Prediction Definitions Metadata
getPriorityvocabularykey Get Priorityvocabularykey
getResults Get Results
getSourceconcepts Get Sourceconcepts
getWebApiVersion Get Web Api Version
insertCohortDefinitionInPackage Insert Cohort Definition In Package
insertCohortDefinitionSetInPackage Insert Cohort Definition Set In Package
invokeCharacterizationGeneration Invoke Characterization Generation
invokeCohortGeneration Invoke Cohort Generation
invokeGeneration Invoke Generation
invokeIncidenceRateGeneration Invoke Incidence Rate Generation
invokePathwayGeneration Invoke Pathway Generation
isvalidCharacterizationId Isvalid Characterization Id
isvalidCohortId Isvalid Cohort Id
isvalidConceptSetId Isvalid Concept Set Id
isvalidEstimationId Isvalid Estimation Id
isvalidId Isvalid Id
isvalidIncidenceRateId Isvalid Incidence Rate Id
isvalidPathwayId Isvalid Pathway Id
isvalidPredictionId Isvalid Prediction Id
isvalidSourceKey Isvalid Source Key
postCharacterizationDefinition Post Characterization Definition
postCohortDefinition Post Cohort Definition
postConceptSetDefinition Post Concept Set Definition
postDefinition Post Definition
postEstimationDefinition Post Estimation Definition
postIncidenceRateDefinition Post Incidence Rate Definition
postPathwayDefinition Post Pathway Definition
postPredictionDefinition Post Prediction Definition
resolveConceptSet Resolve Concept Set
setAuthHeader Set Auth Header
updateCohortDefinition Update Cohort Definition
updateConceptSetDefinition Update Concept Set Definition
updateDefinition Update Definition

Most of the functions start with the following verbs:

Function Verb Number Of Functions
Get 38
Isvalid 9
Delete 8
Post 8
Detect 7
Exists 7
Cancel 5
Invoke 5
Update 3
Insert 2
Authorize 1
Check 1
Convert 1
Create 1
Export 1
Resolve 1
Set 1

A function to get Definition is getDefinitionMetaData function. This is a general function that is able to get the Metadata for all specifications within a category.

ROhdsiWebApi::getDefinitionsMetadata(baseUrl = baseUrl, 
                                     category = 'cohort') %>%
  arrange(.data$id) %>%
  rename_all(.funs = SqlRender::camelCaseToTitleCase) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 x 9
#>      Id Name       `Created Date`      Has W~1 Tags  Descr~2 `Modified Date`    
#>   <int> <chr>      <dttm>              <lgl>   <lgl> <chr>   <dttm>             
#> 1     2 Zhe's pro~ 2015-03-06 15:49:16 FALSE   NA    NA      2016-04-12 05:48:29
#> 2     3 Females w~ 2015-03-10 15:31:34 FALSE   NA    NA      2015-03-10 19:22:30
#> 3     4 Preterm I~ 2015-03-10 17:08:18 FALSE   NA    NA      2022-09-08 03:17:32
#> 4     5 Post-Part~ 2015-03-18 13:50:04 FALSE   NA    Patien~ 2015-03-19 09:37:43
#> 5     6 post-part~ 2015-03-18 16:30:45 FALSE   NA    test f~ 2016-09-21 03:19:46
#> 6     7 test2 (1)  2015-03-19 09:49:59 FALSE   NA    Code f~ 2016-09-13 04:01:45
#> # ... with 2 more variables: `Modified By` <list>, `Created By` <list>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names 1: `Has Write Access`, 2: Description

The same output may be achieved using

ROhdsiWebApi::getCohortDefinitionsMetaData(baseUrl = baseUrl) %>% 
  arrange(.data$id) %>% 
  rename_all(.funs = SqlRender::camelCaseToTitleCase) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 x 9
#>      Id Name       `Created Date`      Has W~1 Tags  Descr~2 `Modified Date`    
#>   <int> <chr>      <dttm>              <lgl>   <lgl> <chr>   <dttm>             
#> 1     2 Zhe's pro~ 2015-03-06 15:49:16 FALSE   NA    NA      2016-04-12 05:48:29
#> 2     3 Females w~ 2015-03-10 15:31:34 FALSE   NA    NA      2015-03-10 19:22:30
#> 3     4 Preterm I~ 2015-03-10 17:08:18 FALSE   NA    NA      2022-09-08 03:17:32
#> 4     5 Post-Part~ 2015-03-18 13:50:04 FALSE   NA    Patien~ 2015-03-19 09:37:43
#> 5     6 post-part~ 2015-03-18 16:30:45 FALSE   NA    test f~ 2016-09-21 03:19:46
#> 6     7 test2 (1)  2015-03-19 09:49:59 FALSE   NA    Code f~ 2016-09-13 04:01:45
#> # ... with 2 more variables: `Modified By` <list>, `Created By` <list>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names 1: `Has Write Access`, 2: Description

Similar approach may be used for all categories as follows:

ROhdsiWebApi::getDefinitionsMetadata(baseUrl = baseUrl, 
                                     category = 'estimation') %>% 
  arrange(.data$id) %>% 
  rename_all(.funs = SqlRender::camelCaseToTitleCase) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7
#>   `Created Date`      `Modified Date`     Has Write ~1    Id Name  Type  Descr~2
#>   <dttm>              <dttm>              <lgl>        <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#> 1 2018-10-24 16:06:58 2019-05-01 08:59:47 FALSE            1 Grah~ Comp~ NA     
#> 2 2018-11-01 04:35:32 2019-02-19 20:56:20 FALSE            3 SCYo~ Comp~ NA     
#> 3 2018-11-20 18:54:33 2018-11-21 03:34:41 FALSE            4 COPY~ Comp~ NA     
#> 4 2018-11-21 06:22:30 2019-03-21 04:17:59 FALSE            5 COX2~ Comp~ NA     
#> 5 2018-11-21 07:08:12 2020-12-04 06:29:33 FALSE            6 Hypo~ Comp~ NA     
#> 6 2018-11-22 04:48:49 NA                  FALSE            7 New ~ Comp~ NA     
#> # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: `Has Write Access`, 2: Description

ROhdsiWebApi::getEstimationDefinitionsMetaData(baseUrl = baseUrl) %>% 
  arrange(.data$id) %>% 
  rename_all(.funs = SqlRender::camelCaseToTitleCase) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7
#>   `Created Date`      `Modified Date`     Has Write ~1    Id Name  Type  Descr~2
#>   <dttm>              <dttm>              <lgl>        <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#> 1 2018-10-24 16:06:58 2019-05-01 08:59:47 FALSE            1 Grah~ Comp~ NA     
#> 2 2018-11-01 04:35:32 2019-02-19 20:56:20 FALSE            3 SCYo~ Comp~ NA     
#> 3 2018-11-20 18:54:33 2018-11-21 03:34:41 FALSE            4 COPY~ Comp~ NA     
#> 4 2018-11-21 06:22:30 2019-03-21 04:17:59 FALSE            5 COX2~ Comp~ NA     
#> 5 2018-11-21 07:08:12 2020-12-04 06:29:33 FALSE            6 Hypo~ Comp~ NA     
#> 6 2018-11-22 04:48:49 NA                  FALSE            7 New ~ Comp~ NA     
#> # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: `Has Write Access`, 2: Description

This is a generic framework that applies to most WebApi categories, and supports different types of CRUD functionalities like deleteConceptSetDefinition() vs deleteDefinition(category = ‘conceptSet’).

Concept Set

Please review ‘Concept sets - The Book of OHDSI’

We commonly post concept set expression into WebApi/Atlas, or try get an expression from Atlas/WebApi based on a conceptSetDefinitionId.

Example: lets say we have concept set expression as follows, that is being used for a Rheumatoid Arthritis study.

jsonExpression <- '{
  "items": [
      "concept": {
        "CONCEPT_ID": 81097,
        "CONCEPT_NAME": "Feltys syndrome",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard",
        "INVALID_REASON": "V",
        "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid",
        "CONCEPT_CODE": "57160007",
        "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition",
        "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding"
      "isExcluded": true,
      "includeDescendants": false,
      "includeMapped": false
      "concept": {
        "CONCEPT_ID": 80809,
        "CONCEPT_NAME": "Rheumatoid arthritis",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard",
        "INVALID_REASON": "V",
        "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid",
        "CONCEPT_CODE": "69896004",
        "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition",
        "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding"
      "isExcluded": false,
      "includeDescendants": true,
      "includeMapped": false
      "concept": {
        "CONCEPT_ID": 4035611,
        "CONCEPT_NAME": "Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT": "S",
        "STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION": "Standard",
        "INVALID_REASON": "V",
        "INVALID_REASON_CAPTION": "Valid",
        "CONCEPT_CODE": "239791005",
        "DOMAIN_ID": "Condition",
        "CONCEPT_CLASS_ID": "Clinical Finding"
      "isExcluded": false,
      "includeDescendants": true,
      "includeMapped": false

Lets call this concept set expression - ‘[ROhdsiWebApi Vignette] Rheumatoid Arthritis concept set’.

We will need to check if there is a concept set by this name.

# check if there is a concept set by this name, if yes, delete it
exists <- ROhdsiWebApi::existsConceptSetName(conceptSetName = conceptSetName, baseUrl = baseUrl)
#> [1] FALSE

If there is a concept set with this name, then we could either choose another name - or delete the old concept set. For this vignette we have chosen to delete any matching concept set as follows:

if (!isFALSE(exists)) {
  ROhdsiWebApi::deleteConceptSetDefinition(conceptSetId = exists$id, baseUrl = baseUrl)

Now we need to ensure the JSON expression above is converted to R-data object. Note: By design, ROhdsiWebAPi does not accept JSON. It needs to be converted to R (list) expression

We can now post this R-object into WebApi as follows:

returnFromPostRequest <- ROhdsiWebApi::postConceptSetDefinition(baseUrl = baseUrl, 
                                                                conceptSetDefinition = rExpression, 
                                                                name = conceptSetName)

If successful, we will get a return object as follows into R.

The id of the newly posted concept-set definition is returnFromPostRequest$id. We can now use this concept-set for many concept set queries eg.,

if want to print ready expression of the concept set definition

createConceptSetWorkbook maybe used to create an Excel workbook of the concept set.

If we want a list of all conceptId’s (including descendants) from the concept set expression

The concept set expression json expression can be recaptured from WebApi as follows

Similar framework maybe used with other WebApi categories such as Cohorts/Characterization/Incidence Rate.

Applications of ROhdsiWebAPi

A valuable feature of ROhdsiWebApi is that it is able to get full result set into R, as a data frame object. Results of Cohort, Characterization, Incidence Rate, Pathway maybe obtained. This data frame may then be converted to publication ready material by using packages like Officer, flextable. The functions in ROhdsiWebAPi maybe used to create dynamic R-shiny apps that allow user to interact with WebApi and select cohort definitions, concept sets for review or modifications. ROhdsiWebApi may be used to build ‘mini versions’ of Atlas that is project specific - by directly interacting with WebApi using R.

Cohorts/Characterization/Incidence rate

Please review ‘What is a cohort - The Book of OHDSI’.

We define a cohort as a set of persons who satisfy one or more inclusion criteria for a duration of time. The term cohort is often interchanged with the term phenotype. Cohorts are used throughout OHDSI analytical tools and network studies as the primary building blocks for executing a research question.

A cohort is defined as the set of persons satisfying one or more inclusion criteria for a duration of time. One person may qualify for one cohort multiple times during non-overlapping time intervals. Cohorts are constructed in ATLAS by specifying cohort entry criteria and cohort exit criteria. Cohort entry criteria involve selecting one or more initial events, which determine the start date for cohort entry, and optionally specifying additional inclusion criteria which filter to the qualifying events. Cohort exit criteria are applied to each cohort entry record to determine the end date when the person’s episode no longer qualifies for the cohort.

Cohorts/Characterization/Incidence Rate are WebApi categories, where WebApi manages the execution of generations.

Example: We may want to know if a certain cohort specification has been generated by checking cohort generation status getCohortGenerationInformation(baseUrl = baseUrl, cohortId= 4234). If a cohort is not previously generated, it may be generated using invokeCohortSetGeneration(baseUrl = baseUrl, cohortId = 4234, sourceKey = 'HCUP') . If it is already generated, we can extract its output of cohort generation using getCohortResults(baseUrl, cohortId = 4234).


Please review ‘Characterization - The Book of OHDSI’.

Population Level Effect Estimation

Please review ‘Population Level Effect Estimation - The Book of OHDSI’.

Patient Level Prediction

Please review ‘Patient Level Prediction - The Book of OHDSI’.