Get the definition for an id of chosen category in WebApi.
getDefinition(id, baseUrl, category)
An integer id representing the id that uniquely identifies a definition for the category in a WebApi instance.
The base URL for the WebApi instance, for example: "http://server.org:80/WebAPI".
These are the categories in WebApi. The valid string options are 'conceptSet', 'cohort', 'characterization', 'pathway, 'incidenceRate', 'estimation', 'prediction'.
An R object representing the definition
Get the definition for an id of chosen category in WebApi. The return object will be a R representation of the definition, that may be reconverted to JSON.
if (FALSE) {
getDefinition(id = 13242, category = "cohort", baseUrl = "http://server.org:80/WebAPI")