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This function extracts all dechallenge rechallenge results across databases for specified target and outcome cohorts.


  cTablePrefix = "c_",
  cgTablePrefix = "cg_",
  databaseTable = "database_meta_data",
  targetIds = NULL,
  outcomeIds = NULL



A connection handler that connects to the database and extracts sql queries. Create a connection handler via `ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new()`.


The result database schema (e.g., 'main' for sqlite)


The prefix used for the characterization results tables


The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables


The name of the table with the database details (default 'database_meta_data')


A vector of integers corresponding to the target cohort IDs


A vector of integers corresponding to the outcome cohort IDs


Returns a data.frame with the columns:

  • databaseName the name of the database

  • targetName the target cohort name

  • targetId the target cohort unique identifier

  • outcomeName the outcome name

  • outcomeId the outcome unique identifier

  • dechallengeStopInterval An integer specifying the how much time to add to the cohort_end when determining whether the event starts during cohort and ends after

  • dechallengeEvaluationWindow A period of time evaluated for outcome recurrence after discontinuation of exposure, among patients with challenge outcomes

  • numExposureEras Distinct number of exposure events (i.e. drug eras) in a given target cohort

  • numPersonsExposed Distinct number of people exposed in target cohort. A person must have at least 1 day exposure to be included

  • numCases Distinct number of persons in outcome cohort. A person must have at least 1 day of observation time to be included

  • dechallengeAttempt Distinct count of people with observable time after discontinuation of the exposure era during which the challenge outcome occurred

  • dechallengeFail Among people with challenge outcomes, the distinct number of people with outcomes during dechallengeEvaluationWindow

  • dechallengeSuccess Among people with challenge outcomes, the distinct number of people without outcomes during the dechallengeEvaluationWindow

  • rechallengeAttempt Number of people with a new exposure era after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era

  • rechallengeFail Number of people with a new exposure era during which an outcome occurred, after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era

  • rechallengeSuccess Number of people with a new exposure era during which an outcome did not occur, after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era

  • pctDechallengeAttempt Percent of people with observable time after discontinuation of the exposure era during which the challenge outcome occurred

  • pctDechallengeFail Among people with challenge outcomes, the percent of people without outcomes during the dechallengeEvaluationWindow

  • pctDechallengeSuccess Among people with challenge outcomes, the percent of people with outcomes during dechallengeEvaluationWindow

  • pctRechallengeAttempt Percent of people with a new exposure era after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era

  • pctRechallengeFail Percent of people with a new exposure era during which an outcome did not occur, after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era

  • pctRechallengeSuccess Percent of people with a new exposure era during which an outcome occurred, after the occurrence of an outcome during a prior exposure era


Specify the connectionHandler, the schema and the target/outcome cohort IDs


conDet <- getExampleConnectionDetails()

connectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(conDet)
#> Connecting using SQLite driver

dcrc <- getDechallengeRechallenge(
connectionHandler = connectionHandler, 
schema = 'main'