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stratifyCohorts() creates new cohorts, splitting an existing cohort based on specified columns on which to stratify on.


  cohortId = NULL,
  removeStrata = TRUE,
  name = tableName(cohort)



A cohort table in a cdm reference.


A strata list that point to columns in cohort table.


Vector identifying which cohorts to include (cohort_definition_id or cohort_name). Cohorts not included will be removed from the cohort set.


Whether to remove strata columns from final cohort table.


Name of the new cohort table created in the cdm object.


Cohort table stratified.


# \donttest{

cdm <- mockCohortConstructor()

cdm$my_cohort <- cdm$cohort1 |>
  addAge(ageGroup = list("child" = c(0, 17), "adult" = c(18, Inf))) |>
  addSex(name = "my_cohort") |>
    strata = list("sex", c("sex", "age_group")), name = "my_cohort"

#> # Source:   table<my_cohort> [?? x 5]
#> # Database: DuckDB v1.2.0 [unknown@Linux 6.8.0-1021-azure:R 4.4.2/:memory:]
#>    cohort_definition_id subject_id cohort_start_date cohort_end_date   age
#>                   <int>      <int> <date>            <date>          <int>
#>  1                    1          2 1964-09-18        1965-08-30          9
#>  2                    1          3 1976-11-28        1977-03-11         17
#>  3                    1          4 1998-06-22        2001-02-12         16
#>  4                    1          5 2007-10-19        2008-11-10         44
#>  5                    2          6 2003-11-15        2004-04-10         35
#>  6                    1          9 2012-01-18        2012-03-08         27
#>  7                    1          3 1978-04-04        1987-02-26         19
#>  8                    1          5 2008-11-11        2011-09-12         45
#>  9                    2          6 2003-10-31        2003-11-14         35
#> 10                    1          3 1977-03-12        1978-04-03         17
#> # ℹ more rows

#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   cohort_definition_id cohort_name           target_cohort_id target_cohort_name
#>                  <int> <chr>                            <int> <chr>             
#> 1                    1 cohort_1_female                      1 cohort_1          
#> 2                    2 cohort_1_male                        1 cohort_1          
#> 3                    3 cohort_1_female_adult                1 cohort_1          
#> 4                    4 cohort_1_female_child                1 cohort_1          
#> 5                    5 cohort_1_male_adult                  1 cohort_1          
#> 6                    6 cohort_1_male_child                  1 cohort_1          
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: target_cohort_table_name <chr>, strata_columns <chr>,
#> #   sex <chr>, age_group <chr>

#> # A tibble: 16 × 7
#>    cohort_definition_id number_records number_subjects reason_id reason         
#>                   <int>          <int>           <int>     <int> <chr>          
#>  1                    1             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#>  2                    1              8               6         2 filter strata:…
#>  3                    2             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#>  4                    2              2               1         2 filter strata:…
#>  5                    3             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#>  6                    3              8               6         2 filter strata:…
#>  7                    3              4               3         3 filter strata:…
#>  8                    4             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#>  9                    4              8               6         2 filter strata:…
#> 10                    4              4               3         3 filter strata:…
#> 11                    5             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#> 12                    5              2               1         2 filter strata:…
#> 13                    5              2               1         3 filter strata:…
#> 14                    6             10               6         1 Initial qualif…
#> 15                    6              2               1         2 filter strata:…
#> 16                    6              0               0         3 filter strata:…
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: excluded_records <int>, excluded_subjects <int>
# }