filters an existing cohort table, keeping only the records
from cohorts that are specified.
subsetCohorts(cohort, cohortId, name = tableName(cohort))
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockCohortConstructor(nPerson = 100)
cdm$cohort1 |> subsetCohorts(cohortId = 1)
#> # Source: table<cohort1> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: DuckDB v1.2.0 [unknown@Linux 6.8.0-1021-azure:R 4.4.2/:memory:]
#> cohort_definition_id subject_id cohort_start_date cohort_end_date
#> <int> <int> <date> <date>
#> 1 1 4 1998-12-14 2002-02-14
#> 2 1 6 2003-04-11 2004-02-23
#> 3 1 7 2004-07-31 2004-11-23
#> 4 1 7 2004-11-24 2005-11-05
#> 5 1 7 2005-11-06 2012-01-12
#> 6 1 8 2009-09-13 2012-04-22
#> 7 1 9 2011-12-20 2011-12-20
#> 8 1 9 2011-12-21 2011-12-29
#> 9 1 9 2011-12-30 2012-04-02
#> 10 1 12 2000-11-15 2013-03-04
#> # ℹ more rows
# }