Generate cohort from the union of different cohorts
combines different cohort entries, with those records
that overlap combined and kept. Cohort entries are when an individual was in
either of the cohorts.
cohortId = NULL,
gap = 0,
cohortName = NULL,
keepOriginalCohorts = FALSE,
name = tableName(cohort)
- cohort
A cohort table in a cdm reference.
- cohortId
Vector identifying which cohorts to include (cohort_definition_id or cohort_name). Cohorts not included will be removed from the cohort set.
- gap
Number of days between two subsequent cohort entries to be merged in a single cohort record.
- cohortName
Name of the returned cohort. If NULL, the cohort name will be created by collapsing the individual cohort names, separated by "_".
- keepOriginalCohorts
If TRUE the original cohorts and the newly created union cohort will be returned. If FALSE only the new cohort will be returned.
- name
Name of the new cohort table created in the cdm object.
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockCohortConstructor(nPerson = 100)
cdm$cohort2 <- cdm$cohort2 |> unionCohorts()
#> Warning: `union_cohorts()` was deprecated in CDMConnector 1.1.0.
#> ℹ Please use `cohort_union()` instead.
#> Error in UseMethod("settings"): no applicable method for 'settings' applied to an object of class "c('cdm_table', 'GeneratedCohortSet', 'tbl_duckdb_connection', 'tbl_dbi', 'tbl_sql', 'tbl_lazy', 'tbl')"
# }