combines different cohort entries, with those records
that overlap combined and kept. Cohort entries are when an individual was in
either of the cohorts.
cohortId = NULL,
gap = 0,
cohortName = NULL,
keepOriginalCohorts = FALSE,
name = tableName(cohort)
- cohort
A cohort table in a cdm reference.
- cohortId
Vector identifying which cohorts to include (cohort_definition_id or cohort_name). Cohorts not included will be removed from the cohort set.
- gap
Number of days between two subsequent cohort entries to be merged in a single cohort record.
- cohortName
Name of the returned cohort. If NULL, the cohort name will be created by collapsing the individual cohort names, separated by "_".
- keepOriginalCohorts
If TRUE the original cohorts will be return together with the new ones. If FALSE only the new cohort will be returned.
- name
Name of the new cohort table created in the cdm object.
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockCohortConstructor(nPerson = 100)
cdm$cohort2 <- cdm$cohort2 |> unionCohorts()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> cohort_definition_id cohort_name gap
#> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 cohort_1_cohort_2 0
# }