Gaia Extensions


Any functionality that falls outside of Gaia Core’s scope (basic Create, Read, Update and Delete operations) can be encapsulated in an Extension. An extension can be thought of as a software package or library that interfaces with Gaia Core (through the execution engine) that collects similar functionality. Extensions can be grouped by the communities they serve or by the functionality they provide. For example, the gaiaOHDSI extension is built to provide members of the OHDSI community useful connectors between Gaia Core and an OMOP database and various OHDSI tools. On the other hand, general (hypothetical) extensions like gaiaVis or gaiaLayer provide visualization and layer building software to Gaia Core, respectively.


The ultimate vision of Extensions is a vivid ecosystem of software packages for interacting with Gaia Core data. Currently, there are Gaia extensions to support Geocoding processes and to interact with OMOP and OHDSI tools. See the gaiaOHDSI extension for more details.