
This workflow demonstrates how to use the OHDSI Gaia suite of GIS tools to geocode the entirety of an OMOP Location table, fully enabling any further geospatial analyses supported by the Gaia GIS tools.

Geocoding Workflow (Cohort Definitions) - Click here to download


This workflow requires the DatabaseConnector package.


Configuring Connection to the Servers

We need to configure connections to two servers: the server hosting the OMOP database and the server hosting the gaiaDB Postgres database.

Connect to OMOP server:

connectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(
  dbms = keyring::key_get('cdm-dbms'), 
  user = keyring::key_get('cdm-username'), 
  password = keyring::key_get('cdm-password'), 
  server = keyring::key_get('cdm-server')

cdmDatabaseSchema <- "TMC_RED.dbo"

Connect to gaiaDB server:

If you don’t already have a gaiaDB server set up, see the installation instructions before proceeding.

gaiaConnectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
  dbms = "postgresql",
  server = "localhost/gaiaDB",
  port = 5432,
  password = "mySecretPassword") 


Step 1. Ingest the Location table from OMOP Database

Use the gaiaCore function getLocationAddresses() to extract addresses from OMOP and return a transformed location table:

transformedLocation <- getLocationAddresses(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                                            cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema)

Step 2. Split the transformedLocation dataframe into two tables based on whether it already contains latitude and longitude information:

splitResult <- splitAddresses(addressTable = transformedLocation)

alreadyGeocodedLocation <- splitResult$geocoded

notGeocodedLocation <- splitResult$ungeocoded

Step 3. Geocode Addresses without Coordinates

geocodedLocation <- geocodeAddresses(addressTable = notGeocodedLocation)

Step 4. Stack pre-populated and newly geocoded location tables

fullyGeocodedLocation <- geocodedLocation
if (!is.null(alreadyGeocodedLocation)) {
  names(alreadyGeocodedLocation) <- tolower(names(alreadyGeocodedLocation))
  alreadyGeocodedLocation <- dplyr::mutate(alreadyGeocodedLocation, lat = latitude, lon = longitude)
  alreadyGeocodedLocation <- dplyr::select(alreadyGeocodedLocation, names(fullyGeocodedLocation))
  alreadyGeocodedLocation <- sf::st_as_sf(boundGeocodedTable, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
  fullyGeocodedLocation <- rbind(fullyGeocodedLocation, alreadyGeocodedLocation)

Step 5. Import Geocoded Location table to gaiaDB Database

importLocationTable(gaiaConnectionDetails = gaiaConnectionDetails,
                    location = fullyGeocodedLocation)