
Definitions and context for common terminology within the GIS workgroup


  • Definition The name of the database schema that contains the core components for sourcing and staging source data
  • In Context
    • This is where data_source, variable_source, attr_index, geom_index, attr_template and geom_template live.
    • The DDL statement for this schema as well as DML statement or CSV file for the data_source and variable_source are lightweight ways for anyone with Postgres to stand-up and run the database.


  • Definition A table that stores the basic information necessary to source and stage web-hosted geographic datasets. The basis to a “catalog” of available source datasets
  • In Context
    • Lives in the backbone schema
    • The data in this table requires some manual attention to create and is valuable
    • Contains the download URL for all datasets and declares whether they contain attributes, a geometry, or both. For geometry datasets, also contains the geom_spec
    • This would likely be where more advanced source metadata could be stored


  • Definition A table that stores supplemental information necessary to extract individual variables from a source attribute table. The basis to a “catalog” of available variables
  • In Context
    • Lives in the backbone schema
    • The data in this table requires some manual attention to create and is valuable
    • Used in conjunction with the data_source table to download and stage inidividual variables from a source attribute table.
    • This table contains the attr_spec which contains the directions for transforming the staged attribute table into a specific variable


  • Definition An index of source datasets containing a geometry
  • In Context
    • Lives in the backbone schema
    • The data in this table is generated programmatically from the data_source table using a function called createIndices() in the R package. It is fairly simple and cheap to regenerate.


  • Definition An empty table that provides the structure (column name, type, and constraints) to geom_X tables.
  • In Context
    • This table should serve as the Single Source of Truth for geom_X table structure. Functionality in the R package should defer to this.


  • Definition Refers to a transformed, staged version of a source geometry dataset. Essentially, a final data product that is in a standardized form and is analysis ready.
  • In Context
    • An instance of this table will have the name “geom_” and live in schema . Table name and database schema are specified in geom_index.
    • The data in an instance of this table is generated programmatically using the loadGeometry() function in the R package. It is fairly simple to create instances, but may be time intensive depending on the size of the source dataset.
    • Typically, these instances will be created in the background when a variable that depends on the geometry is created.


  • Definition A JSON-formatted string that contains a list of R functions to be performed in R in order to transform a source geometry dataset into the standardized geom_X
  • In Context
    • The geom_spec lives as an entry in a data source record.
    • Only datasets with geometries have geom_spec entries in the data_source table


  • Definition An index of source datasets containing a n attribute
  • In Context
    • Lives in the backbone schema
    • The data in this table is generated programmatically from the data_source table using a function called createIndices() in the R package. It is fairly simple and cheap to regenerate


  • Definition An empty table that provides the structure (column name, type, and constraints) to attr_X tables
  • In Context
    • This table should serve as the Single Source of Truth for attr_X table structure. Functionality in the R package should defer to this.


  • Definition Refers to a transformed, staged version of a source attribute dataset. Essentially, a final data product that is in a standardized form and is analysis ready.
  • In Context
    • Attr_X tables are Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) tables with additional metadata columns such as start and end date for its constituent variables
    • An instance of this table will have the name “attr_” and live in schema . Table name and database schema are specified in attr_index.
    • The data in an instance of this table is generated programmatically using the loadVariable() function in the R package. It is fairly simple to create instances, but may be time intensive depending on the size of the source dataset.
    • An attr_X table is created the first time a variable from an attribute data source is loaded. Every subsequent variable loaded from that data source is appended to that attr_X table
    • The granularity of this table is a data point that is associated to a single geometry at a time (I.e. a county for a given date, a coordinate for a given year). Therefore, each entry has a value, attribute, start and end date, and is associated to a geometry in a geom_X instance via a geom_record_id


  • Definition A JSON-formatted string that contains a list of R functions to be performed in R in order to transform a source attribute dataset into a single variable that will be part of the standardized attr_X
  • In Context
    • The attr_spec lives as an entry in a variable source record.
    • Unlike geom_spec, of which there is a one-to-one link with a source dataset, there is likely more than one attr_spec with a source attribute dataset


  • Definition The spatial component of data. A single geometry value will typically be in the form of POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, but can also be MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOLYGON, or a set of two or more types called GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
  • In Context
    • data_source
      • Does a source of data contain a geometry? If yes, geom_type and geom_spec will not be null
      • Geom_type will list the data type (POINT, LINESTRING, etc)
      • Geom_spec will contain a list of transformations to perform on the source dataset *Geom_dependency_uuid is utilized by attribute sources to link them to the data_source ID of the geometry on which they depend
    • geom_index
      • An index for the geometries in data_source.
      • Provides no “new” information about the geometry, but does contain the reformatted database_schema and table_name where the geom_X table will be populated


  • Definition A set or collection of variables that are or can be associated to a geometry. An attribute almost always refers to the entire source dataset, excluding the geometry and any metadata columns (I.e. all variables).
  • In Context
    • data_source
      • Does a source of data contain an attribute? If yes, the has_attributes boolean column will have a value 1
      • Geom_dependency_uuid must point to a geometry on which the attribute depends. If the dependency is within the same source dataset, geom_dependency_uuid and data_source_uuid will have the same value
    • variable_source
      • The individual variables within an attribute are described here.
      • A variable’s Data_source_uuid in the variable_source links to it’s parent attribute in the data_source
    • attr_index
      • An index or the attributes in variable_source
      • Links to a geometry dependency in the geom_index table
      • contain the reformatted database_schema and table_name where the attr_X table will be populated


  • Definition A single descriptive element that can be associated to a geometry. This can be thought of as a single column from a source attribute.
  • In Context
    • variable_source
      • Each variable is given a unique identifier, name, and description here
      • Linked back to their parent attribute via the data_source_uuid column
      • The procedure for extracting the variable from the source dataset is stored in the attr_spec