For background information on Gaia, see the Gaia Overview. For an explanation of the Gaia architecture, see the Framework Overview.
To get started with Gaia you’ll need to install gaiaCore (R Package) from GitHub, create a PostGIS database and load the metadata source files, and then connect to the database from your R environment:
See the instructions here for configuring your R environment, including RTools and Java.
You can install the latest version of gaiaCore (R Package) from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Once you have a postgres database with PostGIS installed, the helper
script initialize.sql
in the inst directory
will do the rest of the setup. This includes:
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
dbms = "postgresql",
server = "localhost/gaiaDB",
port = 5432,
password = "mysecretpassword")