CDM Table name: stem_table

The STEM table is a staging area where CPRD source codes like Read codes will first be mapped to concept_ids. The STEM table itself is an amalgamation of the OMOP event tables to facilitate record movement. This means that all fields present across the OMOP event tables are present in the STEM table. After a record is mapped and staged, the domain of the concept_id dictates which OMOP table (Condition_occurrence, Drug_exposure, Procedure_occurrence, Measurement, Observation, Device_exposure) the record will move to. Please see the STEM -> CDM mapping files for a description of which STEM fields move to which STEM tables.

Reading from CPRD.Consultation

Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
id     Autogenerate
domain_id   This should be the domain_id of the standard concept in the concept_id field.  
person_id patid Use patid to lookup Person_id  
visit_occurrence_id consid Use consid to lookup visit_occurrence_id in the visit_detail_table  
provider_id consultation.staffid    
start_date consdate    
concept_id consmedcodeid Lookup the consmedcodeid in the medicaldictionary, if there is a read code map the read. If not, map the snomed. Use the SOURCE_TO_STANDARD query to map either the read or snomed code to standard concept(s) with the following filters:

Where source_vocabulary_id = ‘Read’ or ‘SNOMED’ and Target_standard_concept = ‘S’ and target_invalid_reason is NULL

BE CAREFUL - READ CODES ARE CASE SENSITIVE. If there is no mapping available, set concept_id to zero.
source_value   Concatenate read code and term or snomed and term from the lookup table, depending on which code is mapped to a standard concept id  
source_concept_id Either the Read or SNOMED code found from looking up the consmedcodeid Use the consmedcodeid to link to the medicaldictionary table to find the read code. Use the SOURCE_TO_SOURCE query to map the read or snomed code to a source concept id with the following filters:

Where source_vocabulary_id = ‘Read’ or ‘SNOMED’

BE CAREFUL - READ CODES ARE CASE SENSITIVE. If there is no mapping available set source_concept_id to zero.

Please contact Clair Blacketer ( if you have any questions