Reading from JMDC.Claim

Each unique claim id for a patient will be assigned to a visit, except for pharmacy claims. In claims only the year + month is provided, day information is not available. However, oftentimes a claim will be associated with a piece of information that does have a specific date. Specific dates can come from prescription date, procedure date, admission date, discharge date, or the start of medical care date. This information will be used to infer the visit date with more precision. (e.g. if it’s a 2 day visit, and it has a procedure taking place on the 20th, we might assume the visit starts on the 20th). If no specific date is available, we will assume the visit start and any events associated with the visit fall on the 15th of the month. We choose the middle of the month because accidental reversal of temporality (where the order of events is switched because one piece of information did have a date, and another didn’t) is just as likely to occur in one direction as the other.

Destination Field Source Field Logic Comment Field
visit_occurrence_id claim_id Remove ‘C’ prefix  
person_id member_id Remove ‘M’ prefix  
visit_concept_id type_of_claim DPC and inpatient 9201 Outpatient and Pharmacy 9202  
visit_source_value type_of_claim    
visit_start_date month_and_year_of_medical_care admission_date Start by setting the visit_start_date to the 15th of the Month_and_year_of_medical_care.

If the claim is associated with a diagnosis, and (1) that Diagnosis.date_of_medical_care_start falls within the Month_and_year_of_medical_care and (2) there is no other diagnoses with the same level 4 ICD-10 code from the same institution for the same member with the same Diagnosis.date_of_medical_care_start, then the Diagnosis.date_of_medical_care_start is used as the visit_start_date.

If a claim has an admission date, set the visit_start_date to the max of the admission date and the visit_start_date so far.

If the claim is associated with a Drug.prescription_date or Procedure.procedure_date, use the minimum of those dates and the visit_start_date so far as the visit_start_date.
visit_end_date month_and_year_of_medical_care days_of_medical_care discharge_date Start by setting the visit_end_date to the visit_start_date + days_of_medical_care.

If the discharge_date is specified, use the discharge_date as the visit_start_date.

Take the minimum of the visit_start_date so far and the end of the month_and_year_of_medical care.
care_site_id medical_facility_id    
visit_type_concept_id     32810 Claim

Please contact Clair Blacketer ( if you have any questions