CDM Table name: PERSON

Reading from CPRD_Aurum.Patient

The patients in the CDM are restricted to the subset of all CPRD Aurum patients deemed to have reached certain quality standards as defined by the data providers. Patients whose acceptable patient flag (patient.accept) is not equal to 1 will be removed (1=acceptable, 0=unacceptable). Also patients whose year of birth is prior to 1875, or who have an unknown gender will be removed.

Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
person_id patid    
gender_concept_id gender Map:
1 = 8507
2 = 8532
Remove anyone with an unknown gender, meaning anyone with a CPRD gender code in (0,3,4)
year_of_birth yob   Remove any patients that are born before 1875
month_of_birth mob   If 0 set as NULL
race_concept_id   0  
ethnicity_concept_id   0  
provider_id usualgpstaffid    
care_site_id pracid    
person_source_value patid    
gender_source_value gender If 1 then ‘M’, if 2 then ‘F’  
gender_source_concept_id   0  
race_source_concept_id   0  
ethnicity_source_concept_id   0  

Please contact Clair Blacketer ( if you have any questions